Thursday, February 24, 2005


Well, apparently all I'm going to use this blog for is to bitch.
Sorry to any potential readers. There ya go. One more to put on your
"don't bother to read this crap" list.

I'm a huge comics fan. I may have mentioned it. I have a huge list
of comics I download and archive to read at my own leisure. They just
go up on my own sunday comics style page that I can flip through.
Some pages may have just one or two strips, while some may have as
many as 45. It just depends how many had been updated since the last
time the script ran. Buuut, my script is apparently broken. Or
turned off by a certain geek of the household. I haven't gotten any
new comics since the 20th. I find this incredibly unlikely since most
of them are dailys and they get checked 4 times a day. It's rare to
have an empty update, and unheard of to have 2 empties in a row.

Now, this certain geek may think I'm spending too much time online
reading comics (which can be true) and has threatened to do such a
thing, but I thought he was kidding. But lately he's been attempting
to do non-tech things with me. Tonight we played a board game on an
actual board. No computer screens in sight. Of course, I took a long
bath and shaved my legs for this big romantic evening. Yup. And now
he's happily snoring away and hogging the bed like he accuses me of.
I'm gonna be a real peach at work in the morning. The alarm is less
than 4 hours away. Yeeaah. I'm no good on less than 6 hours. I'm
really ideal on 7 or so hours of sleep. Wheee. Guess who's making
coffee the MOMENT she gets to work tomorr.. today.

Friday, February 04, 2005


trying out the email feature.
we'll see how useful I find it. :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Your predeliction for pink made you stand out from a crowd and made you memorable. Your presence made many uncomfortable; you were so different from the "norm." I know that you were not born Cynthia, yet you chose that name and I wish I knew what drew you to it. You were tall and so very remarkable. I wish I knew what had become of you.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

OK, so I'm just a dumbass

Woohoo. it posted. and apparently saved all of my previous attempts.
I'm a dufus and unashamed of it, so I'll leave 'em there. apparently my "tab around until it appears to accept the changes to this page" method didn't quite work after all.

Yes, no maybe?

I am unfond of iMacs. Everyone knows that Windoze blows chunks. Even dedicated Win users will occasionally admit such a thing. I started up this blog for the sole purpose of leaving a comment on a comic. It promised to "take 2 minutes!" Hah! --Possibly-- this is an oversight on Blogger's part, but I couldn't even find the buttons to get to the next page of the creation/setup. I finally just started hitting Tab until I couldn't see what my cursor was on. That apparently clicked on the invisible next button. By the time I got this all accomplished, I couldn't get back to the comic to leave the comment, and I had wasted the final 15 minutes of my lunch break. Bleh.
How can people live with one mouse button and no scroller? And I couldn't check my gmail. And I'm a big fat whiner. ;-)

I first named this "third time's a charm" because I tried it twice on the iMac at lunch. Now I'm at home on my happy Opera/Linux setup..... this is attempt 4.

Third Time's a Charm?

I am unfond of iMacs. Everyone knows that Windoze blows chunks. Even dedicated Win users will occasionally admit such a thing. I started up this blog for the sole purpose of leaving a comment on a comic. It promised to "take 2 minutes!" Hah! --Possibly-- this is an oversight on Blogger's part, but I couldn't even find the buttons to get to the next page of the creation/setup. I finally just started hitting Tab until I couldn't see what my cursor was on. That apparently clicked on the invisible next button. By the time I got this all accomplished, I couldn't get back to the comic to leave the comment, and I had wasted the final 15 minutes of my lunch break. Bleh.
How can people live with one mouse button and no scroller? And I couldn't check my gmail. And I'm a big fat whiner. ;-)

I am unfond of iMacs

Now everyone knows that Windows blows chunks, but man iMacs are no good for much of anything I do online. Blech. one mouse button and no access to GMail??
All this to try to post a comment to Jeff Rowland's Overcompensating. something in November (9?) about a man and a gun. Very funny. but can I comment on it, even now that I have a Blogger blog? Nope. Because apparently iMacs in student computer labs blow even more chunks than Windows. blargh.

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